7 Signs Your Coworker Might Have Special Feelings for You – Office Romance by Thailand Dating Agency


7 สัญญาณที่บ่งบอกว่า “เพื่อนร่วมงาน” กำลังมีความรู้สึกพิเศษให้กับคุณ หลงรักเพื่อนร่วมงานออฟฟิศเดียวกัน คนโสดหาคู่จริงจัง ผู้หญิงโสดหาคู่ ผู้ชายโสดหาคู่

7 Signs Your Coworker Might Have Special Feelings for You

Office Romance

by Thailand Dating Agency, Bangkok Matching


Workplaces often evoke thoughts of stress and pressure for many. Numerous companies enforce policies prohibiting workplace relationships to avoid potential complications. But is workplace romance a real possibility?


Forbes Advisor conducted a study involving 2,000 working professionals and discovered that over 61% of respondents admitted to having had a romantic relationship at work. Additionally, 50% mentioned they had attempted to flirt with a colleague, and notably, 43% reported they had married a former coworker.


These findings are intriguing as they suggest that the office can indeed be a place to meet a life partner and develop serious relationships, even leading to marriage. However, the survey also highlighted a less ideal aspect: 40% of participants confessed to having engaged in an extramarital affair with a coworker.


Given this, Bangkok Matching, Thailand’s leading and longest running high-end matchmaking agency, wants to share some useful dating tips for those wondering if a colleague might have feelings for them. These tips can help you recognize the signs to respond appropriately, either by reciprocating or by maintaining boundaries if the person is already in a committed relationship.


7 Ways to Tell if a Coworker Has Feelings for You


Here are seven guidelines for observing a coworker’s behavior to determine if they might have romantic feelings for you. Keep in mind that these signs are just one aspect of understanding someone’s intentions. To truly know if someone likes you or is merely acting in a way to cause confusion for some ulterior motive, you’ll need to consider a combination of their expressions and actions. If you notice any of these behaviors, consider the context and other signs to avoid jumping to conclusions.


1 Showing Interest in You and Noticing Small Changes


If you feel like a coworker is particularly attentive to you, observe if they generally exhibit this behavior towards everyone or if it’s specific to you. If they typically aren’t very attentive to others but suddenly start noticing even small changes about you that you might not even notice yourself, this could be a sign of special interest. For example:


  • They pay close attention to your facial expressions and body language and ask if you’re okay.
  • They frequently offer help without being asked.
  • They follow up on things they’ve noticed about you over time.


7 สัญญาณที่บ่งบอกว่า “เพื่อนร่วมงาน” กำลังมีความรู้สึกพิเศษให้กับคุณ หลงรักเพื่อนร่วมงานออฟฟิศเดียวกัน คนโสดหาคู่จริงจัง ผู้หญิงโสดหาคู่ ผู้ชายโสดหาคู่
7 สัญญาณที่บ่งบอกว่า “เพื่อนร่วมงาน” กำลังมีความรู้สึกพิเศษให้กับคุณ หลงรักเพื่อนร่วมงานออฟฟิศเดียวกัน คนโสดหาคู่จริงจัง ผู้หญิงโสดหาคู่ ผู้ชายโสดหาคู่


2  Supporting You in the Workplace


During discussions, meetings, or decision-making processes, see if they consistently agree with you or support your ideas. If they defend you or support you even without being asked, this indicates that they believe in you and want to back you up.


3  Adjusting Their Lifestyle to Match Yours


Notice if they start changing their habits to spend more time with you. For example, if they previously preferred socializing after work but start leaving early to accompany you home or suggest quieter activities that align with your preferences, this indicates an effort to align their lifestyle with yours.


4  Expressing Concern Beyond Work-Related Matters


If they show an interest in your personal life, hobbies, and interests that have nothing to do with work, it’s a sign they want to know you on a deeper level. Be mindful, though, to discern whether their questions are genuinely interested or intrusive.


5  Finding Reasons to Talk to You More


They may create opportunities to start conversations, even if the topics seem trivial or unnecessary. If their conversations often drift into personal or light-hearted topics, this suggests they enjoy your company and are looking for reasons to interact with you.


6  Complimenting You Frequently, Both Publicly and Privately


If they often praise you and you hear from others that they speak well of you behind your back, this indicates genuine admiration and appreciation, suggesting a deeper interest.


7  Sharing Personal Stories with You


Notice if they share details about their personal life, interests, and experiences that go beyond work-related topics. By opening up to you, they are inviting you into their personal space, indicating trust and a desire for a closer relationship.


How to Balance Work and Love


Setting clear boundaries is key to separating love and work responsibilities, ensuring they don’t overlap or cause a decline in job performance. A workplace romance that negatively affects work can lead to criticism or disciplinary action in some companies. Therefore, if you want to balance a workplace relationship with your professional duties, it’s crucial to establish boundaries and control your emotions effectively.


Tips for Balancing Love and Work


For those who have a partner at the same workplace, try visualizing two overlapping circles with an intersecting middle section. The left circle represents your partner’s personal space during work hours, while the right circle represents your own work responsibilities. The intersecting middle area signifies the shared moments with your partner at work, which should be minimal compared to your work responsibilities. For instance, you might have breakfast or lunch together or encourage each other with small gestures throughout the day. However, the primary focus should be on your respective work duties. After work, you can spend personal time together as agreed.


Balancing personal feelings with professional responsibilities is easier said than done because emotions are involved. This requires patience, mindfulness, and a conscious effort to remember your role at any given moment. Developing this mindset is challenging but necessary for maintaining a healthy workplace relationship. Remember that a healthy relationship is balanced between your needs, your partner’s needs, and the shared space in between.


While workplace dating is possible, the success rate and the ability to manage the balance between work and personal life can be challenging. If you prefer dating without the stress of workplace dynamics, consider using a professional matchmaking service. Bangkok Matching, a high-end matchmaking agency, can assist you in finding the right partner in a less stressful environment. Contact them via their Line Official: @bangkokmatching.

