Dating Apps Dating Online – Personal Data at Risk – Personal Data at Risk on Dating Apps and Online Dating Websites


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Dating Apps Dating Online – Personal Data at Risk


Personal Data at Risk on Dating Apps and Online Dating Websites


Do not underestimate the importance of your personal information and online safety. Particularly, personal data such as your name, address, phone number, email, and images can be exploited for malicious purposes if they are leaked. Nowadays, many online dating websites and dating apps require users to provide this personal information when registering or even while seeking a match. This data collection is often mandated with users’ consent for access to the app or website’s services.


While some dating apps and dating websites are secure, others may pose risks and could potentially lead to data breaches. These breaches can have severe consequences on your life and assets.


In this regard, Bangkok Matching is not trying to overly alarm anyone. However, it’s essential to note that incidents of online dating apps leaking user data have occurred even in foreign countries. For instance, in 2021, the LGBTQ+ dating giant “Grindr” faced legal challenges for allegedly breaching the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. They were accused of mishandling personal data, leading to a significant fine of £5.5 million (approximately 200 million Thai Baht). This hefty penalty underscores the high importance placed on data privacy by international authorities.


Similarly, in the same year, the Japanese online dating app ‘Omiai’ had its server breached, resulting in the personal information of over 1.7 million users being leaked. This included deeply personal data, such as driver’s license numbers, causing substantial harm to both users and the company.


Bringing it closer to home, there have been recent cases in 2023 where individuals, including scammers, have attempted to deceive users into downloading fake dating apps. These scams involve luring users to click links for app downloads, and once they complete the registration, their funds mysteriously disappear from their accounts. This type of digital deception is becoming prevalent in Thailand, and it can be just as dangerous as street-level crime.


At this point, many people may already recognize the importance of safeguarding their personal data. Companies and service providers must protect and handle this information responsibly, refraining from sharing, selling, or transferring it to third parties without proper consent and prior detailed notification. The personal data of each individual is of immense value and represents a significant component in the high-value world of Big Data, which is actively bought and sold for commercial purposes.


4 Key Data to Watch Out for Leakage When Using Dating Apps/Dating Websites


  1. Personal Information: This includes details like your name, address, phone number, email, date of birth, images, or even your national ID number. Many Thais may not fully recognize the importance of safeguarding personal information, thinking it can’t be used for harm. However, Bangkok Matching would like to emphasize that these pieces of information hold a high market value. Worse, they can be exploited for unlawful activities.


  1. Relationship Data: Details regarding relationship status, sexual preferences, interests, and lifestyle fall into this category. Especially with regards to ‘sexual preferences,’ some countries categorize it as highly sensitive data, forbidding its transfer or disclosure without explicit consent. These details could potentially have adverse consequences for the user.


  1. Financial Activity Data: This includes payment history, credit card information, ATM codes, or PINs used for financial transactions. Such crucial information should not be disclosed without necessity since it makes users susceptible to financial losses and account breaches, as evident in news reports.


  1. Location Information: Sharing precise GPS coordinates and overly specific addresses can be risky, making users vulnerable to tracking, stalking, extortion, and various safety hazards.


Remember to exercise caution and discretion when using dating apps to ensure the safety and security of your personal information.


Dating Apps Dating Online - Personal Data at Risk
Personal Data at Risk on Dating Apps and Online Dating Websites
Dating Apps Dating Online – Personal Data at Risk
Personal Data at Risk on Dating Apps and Online Dating Websites


3 Causes of Data Leakage on Dating Apps


  1. Hacking of Networks/Servers: Dating apps may fall victim to cyberattacks by malicious actors, leading to the theft of users’ personal data such as credit card information, bank account details, and personal information like names, addresses, and phone numbers. This pilfered information can be exploited for illegal purposes, including financial crimes, harassment, or stalking.


  1. Deceptive Promotions for Data Disclosure: Untrustworthy or unethical dating apps may lure users into disclosing more personal information than necessary by offering enticing promotions. Users might share additional data, believing that the benefits outweigh the risk. For instance, they might register or link accounts, grant companies access to their usage data, or request rights to access information in exchange for premium membership for a limited period.


  1. User Oversharing: In some cases, data leakage results from users unintentionally disclosing excessive personal information on dating apps. Over time, users may become overly trusting and reveal sensitive details, thinking that the other party will reciprocate with honesty. This over-sharing can lead to deception or data theft, as some users might take advantage of the disclosed information for fraudulent purposes.


4 Potential Dangers of Data Leakage


  1. Impersonation: Personal data might be misused for impersonation, leading to fraudulent activities such as borrowing money, selling fake products, or making investments. This has become increasingly common in recent times, with individuals having their data used to create fake profiles and engage in scams like the romance scam, where victims are convinced to transfer money, resulting in substantial financial losses.


  1. Deception: Personal data could be used to deceive individuals into transferring money or disclosing more personal information. A major concern is the rise of call center scams, prevalent in Thailand. Despite repeated warnings and awareness campaigns, such scams continue to victimize more people, primarily due to scammers having deep access to the victims’ personal data, making them more convincing and intimidating.


  1. Sexual Exploitation or Harassment: Leaked personal data can be used to sexually exploit or harass individuals, including threats to reveal explicit images or videos, tracking their location for stalking, or sending abusive messages.


  1. Impact on Personal Life and Career: When personal data is leaked, it can have severe consequences, affecting one’s personal and professional life. This includes sending inappropriate content to workplaces, creating fake news to damage one’s reputation, and more.


Therefore, it is essential to use dating apps and online dating websites from reputable and secure companies with strong privacy and security policies. Additionally, users should exercise caution when disclosing personal information.


Is a Matchmaking Company Safer than Dating Apps?


Bangkok Matching can be summarized as follows based on a current analysis. While using a matchmaking company is not as popular and for everyone as using dating apps, it has its advantages in terms of user data safety. The primary reasons are as follows:


  1. Care for Customers in a Reasonable Number: A matchmaking company operates within a more limited customer base compared to dating apps, where users can number in the hundreds of thousands or millions. This smaller customer base allows the company to provide more comprehensive care and monitoring of screening and background check of customer, customer data, reducing the risk of data breaches.


  1. Rigorous User Verification Process: Matchmaking companies have stricter user verification processes compared to dating apps. For example, companies like Bangkok Matching verify users’ profiles, conduct interview in person or video interviews, and perform background checks to ensure that users are genuine and appropriate for matchmaking service.


  1. Enhanced Data Security Measures: Matchmaking companies often have more robust data security measures in place. This includes advanced encryption and multifactor authentication, making it more difficult for unauthorized access to occur compared to some dating apps.


In conclusion, matchmaking companies like Bangkok Matching tend to offer a higher level of data security compared to dating apps due to the reasons mentioned above. It is important for users to consider their priorities and choose the platform that aligns with their preferences and requirements for data privacy and safety.


Therefore, in conclusion, we can summarize that using dating apps and online dating websites to find a partner is popular nowadays because it is convenient, quick, and suitable for the lifestyles and preferences of modern individuals, especially those with budget constraints for matchmaking services. However, it’s crucial to be aware of potential risks beyond deception and insincere matches, such as concerns related to personal data privacy and security. Preventing these risks is essential to protect both your personal life and assets because once these risks materialize, there is often no one to hold responsible or compensate for the losses.


If you value the safety and security of your personal data and want to date with confidence that your information won’t be shared without consent, or if you prefer not to take chances with the level of security provided by dating app/dating websites service providers, considering a premium matchmaking company is a worthwhile investment. Companies like Bangkok Matching offer a gatekeeper role, thorough screening, and data security measures to provide you not only with a compatible match but also with a secure environment for your life and assets.






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