How to gauge if they are ready to transition from “talking” to being “in a relationship”. Bangkok Dating Agency Tells


วิธีเลื่อนสถานะ “คนคุย” เลื่อนเป็นแฟน วิธีดูว่าเขาพร้อมเลื่อนสถานะคนคุยเป็นแฟนกับเราแล้วหรือยัง

How to gauge if they are ready to transition from “talking” to being “in a relationship“.

Bangkok Dating Agency Tells


To assess whether your relationship status of a “talking” individual has the potential to evolve into a romantic one or not, there are methods to gauge if they are ready to transition from “talking” to being in a relationship with us.


When conversing with someone for a while and the situation remains ambiguous, it’s natural for a single person to have doubts. Should we shift from merely “talking” to another status?


Having mutual positive feelings, aligned desires, and a willingness to develop the relationship are crucial aspects of initial relationship development. If the other party doesn’t show interest in you, keeps the status at the level of friendship, or lacks enough confidence in you to commit to a romantic relationship, then continuously engaging in conversation would only waste your valuable time.


Therefore, when talking to someone for a period, it’s essential to evaluate the relationship between you and your dating or conversational partner beforehand to ensure certainty. Here are five simple methods to determine if they like you and if there’s a tendency for them to be ready to progress or shift the relationship forward.


วิธีเลื่อนสถานะ “คนคุย” เลื่อนเป็นแฟน วิธีดูว่าเขาพร้อมเลื่อนสถานะคนคุยเป็นแฟนกับเราแล้วหรือยัง
วิธีเลื่อนสถานะ “คนคุย” เลื่อนเป็นแฟน วิธีดูว่าเขาพร้อมเลื่อนสถานะคนคุยเป็นแฟนกับเราแล้วหรือยัง


5 Signs Your ‘Talking’ Partner is Ready to Transition


Are you in a talking phase with someone for a while now? Here are five ways to gauge their readiness to move the relationship forward. These are the cues every ‘talking’ individual should check from the other side to determine their readiness to elevate the relationship status:


  1. They introduce you to friends, parents, and family.


This is a significant green light for you. If your conversational partner opens up their private world to you, allowing you to interact and become a part of it, it’s a positive sign that they want you to be involved in their life. Additionally, they may express curiosity about your social circle, show interest in meeting your parents, or demonstrate concern for the people around you, indicating a familial bond.


2. Their body language clearly shows affection.


Though it may sound simple, it’s important to observe objectively. When we like someone, we often interpret their actions as signs of affection, such as seeking physical closeness, cuddling, or providing comfort during difficult times. Clear displays like these, beyond just smiling when you meet, indicate genuine care and affection.


3. Their future includes you.


Indications that they’re ready to have you as their partner or even life companion next are easily observable. When discussing future plans, if they include you in those plans, regardless of what they entail, and if they talk about it with you, it means they’ve already thought of you being a part of their life. This is another clear sign that they want you to be a part of their life and are ready to take the next step towards being in a relationship with you.


4. They invite you into their private world.


Whether it’s sharing their interests, suggesting activities to do together, or simply wanting you to see and experience things with them, such as going to their favorite restaurant or visiting a place they enjoy, it’s a sign that they’re opening up their world to you.


5. They maintain regular contact, and you can reach out to them anytime.


They don’t disappear without reason, and they maintain consistent communication with you. Even when they’re busy with work or other obligations, they inform you beforehand to put your mind at ease. They’re also open to you reaching out to them whenever you want, whether it’s to share something on your mind or to seek comfort during difficult times. They don’t get annoyed when you call, as long as it’s not excessive and unnecessary, especially when they’re busy or preoccupied.


If they exhibit all five of these behaviors, it’s a clear indication that your ‘talking’ status with them is ready to transition to the next level. Congratulations in advance to all those who are about to officially become partners from ‘talking’ status. And congratulations to all the partners here as well!

