Identifying Signs of “Infidelity” in Relationship: 9 Warning Signals to Detect if Your Partner is Cheating


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Identifying Signs of “Infidelity” in Relationship: 9 Warning Signals to Detect if Your Partner is Cheating


Today, we are addressing a crucial topic brought to you by Bangkok Matching, Thailand’s longest running and leading high-end matchmaking company. It concerns the method of detecting signs of infidelity in a relationship. While love is built on respect and trust, it’s imperative to ensure that trust isn’t misplaced. Sometimes, excessive trust can lead to overlooking changes in a relationship or even ignoring signs of betrayal. Often, infidelity stems from an overabundance of trust, where one assumes the other will remain faithful, only to realize later that this trust has been taken advantage of. This can lead to willful ignorance and deception within the relationship.


Therefore, today we aim to delve into the less glamorous but essential reality of relationships and equip you with strategies to address the issue of infidelity. Understanding the warning signs of infidelity is crucial, as statistics on divorce in Thailand often cite infidelity as a leading cause. According to the World Population Review’s rankings for the year 2023, Thailand ranks fourth globally in terms of infidelity rates, with a staggering 61%. This high rate of infidelity not only reflects poorly on a global scale but also creates uncertainty and distrust within relationships. Couples may find themselves constantly questioning the fidelity of their partners, unsure whether they are being cheated on or not.


In addition, there have been articles from the Department of Mental Health conducting surveys on the topic “Why Do Men Have Fewer Wives?” by surveying 20 Thai men. This led to interesting conclusions from these men about the causes of clandestine affairs, or “Giks,” a term commonly used. These reasons primarily include:


1  Intimacy leading to attachment, resulting in infidelity. For instance, becoming overly familiar with coworkers, sitting closely together, or attending seminars together.


2. Being trapped in a societal mindset that believes men can have multiple wives without repercussions.


3. Not being happy with their current partner or with their arranged spouse. In reality, if there is no happiness, it is viewed that relationships can be ended through divorce before starting a new one. Ending the relationship prevents further pain and suffering.


However, for those who are unsure but suspicious and want to know if their partner is cheating, and wish to observe signs, Bangkok Matching, a reputable matchmaking company, will provide techniques on “Identifying Signs of Infidelity” today. Catching a cheating partner requires resilience, readiness to open one’s heart, and accepting the painful truth. It’s challenging in many dimensions because catching someone we love engaging in something we dread the most, infidelity, is something no one wants to accept or encounter. However, if anyone wishes to test the waters, Bangkok Matching has signals for identifying if a partner is cheating.


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9 Signs Indicating That Your Partner May Be Cheating


When it comes to warning signs that indicate our partner may be cheating, the primary indicator is “changes” in their behavior. Bangkok Matching categorizes these changes into two types: behavioral changes and changes in the relationship dynamic. It’s essential for everyone to carefully observe their partner’s behavior in detail. Here are the key points:


Detecting Infidelity from Behavioral Changes


Frequent Lying


One of the most common signs is lying. Individuals engaging in inappropriate behavior, such as cheating, often resort to lying to conceal their actions. Infidelity is detrimental to relationships, prompting individuals to lie and provide various justifications to maintain trust or normalize suspicious behavior. Common lies include phrases like “just a friend/colleague,” “we haven’t talked much,” or “we only interact because of work.”


Moreover, some individuals may fabricate unusual work-related obligations, such as unexpected workloads, overtime, returning home late, or arriving home at irregular hours, all of which should raise suspicion.


Extreme Mood Swings


Many cheaters exhibit abnormal, volatile emotions. Sometimes, trivial matters are blown out of proportion, leading to erratic behavior, making it challenging to communicate or confront them. This behavior is desired by cheaters, as it discourages questioning and confrontation, leaving them unaccountable. They avoid answering questions and instead display unreasonable, unfounded anger.


Alternatively, some individuals may display mood swings, alternating between affectionate and hostile behavior. They show affection when their actions are unquestioned but become upset during conflicts or disagreements, requiring explanation and justifications. Those with something to hide avoid being questioned, fearing their secrets will be exposed.


Blaming You for Various Issues


Another common sign of cheating is becoming increasingly toxic or creating a toxic relationship dynamic, blaming you for their behavior. They may blame you as the cause of their erratic behavior or accuse you of overreacting, overthinking, or creating unnecessary difficulties for them. This behavior often manifests in individuals with extramarital affairs, fostering negative, manipulative tendencies to deflect blame and alleviate their guilt.


Abnormal Phone Usage Patterns


Individuals engaging in infidelity or those building new relationships often display patterns similar to someone infatuated. A clear indicator is changes in phone or social media usage, transitioning from casual to obsessive behavior. They become absorbed in their devices, constantly checking messages, hastily stashing away their phones, only to retrieve them moments later, indicating an unhealthy fixation.


Additionally, social media activity serves as another observable cue. Increased likes, shares, or posts, particularly related to other individuals, may indicate interests beyond the relationship. While they may claim it’s mere curiosity or a passing interest, the reflections portrayed often reveal their underlying thoughts or actions, unmistakably signaling potential infidelity.


Alteration in Dressing Style


Some may dismiss changes in dressing style as inconsequential. However, it’s worth considering whether these changes are merely fashion choices or efforts to impress others. If your partner, who typically dresses casually for outings or spends minimal effort on appearance, suddenly starts dressing up excessively, paying extra attention to grooming, it could be a warning sign. These alterations may aim to create a lasting impression on someone other than you.


Detecting Infidelity from Relationship Changes


Decreased Quality Time Together


Being in a loving relationship entails spending time together, going on outings, bonding to create memorable moments, or even just meeting each other. However, if you notice that lately, both you and your partner have been spending less time together without any valid reason, while the other party comes up with numerous excuses, unlike before when you were together, this could be another indication that they are diverting their time to someone else, hinting at behavior indicative of infidelity.


Dull Relationship Dynamics, Lack of Affection


This often occurs when couples lack quality time for each other. The absence of communication and emotional connection leads to dull relationship dynamics, lacking the sweetness experienced during the initial stages of the relationship. If conversing and reintroducing the lost affection does not restore the relationship to its former glory, it may be time to prepare for the potentially painful truth.


Increased Physical and Emotional Distance


When trust and communication dwindle between you and your partner, the distance between you becomes more pronounced. It transforms into a state of silence, where you’re unsure of each other’s whereabouts or activities, feeling as if your partner is merely a presence in your life without any emotional connection.


Feeling Like Strangers Despite Being Together


If you’ve reached this stage, it may be time to acknowledge and brace yourself for the fact that what began as a loving relationship has now drifted so far apart that it feels like walking, sleeping, and eating with a stranger. Your partner’s body may be present, but their heart belongs to someone else. This is the ultimate red flag indicating that they may have fallen out of love with you and started a new romance with someone else.


However, it’s essential to remember that these are just guidelines for observing and detecting signs of infidelity. In some cases, the causes may not stem from infidelity. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a conversation to understand each other before jumping to conclusions or making hasty decisions.


What to Do When You Discover Infidelity


For those who have caught their partner being unfaithful and have confirmed their suspicions, first and foremost, I must express my condolences. It’s disappointing to realize that this relationship has encountered such a betrayal. However, once the sorrow has been acknowledged, the next step is to move on. Life doesn’t stop just because we’ve discovered that our partner has been unfaithful. Instead, we must learn how to manage the situation appropriately and effectively. Infidelity is a delicate matter, and sometimes we find ourselves on the receiving end of it, only to become the ones inflicting pain once the relationship ends or is hurtful. Therefore, when we catch our partner being unfaithful and know for certain, what should we do next? Let’s explore.


Take a Step Back and Care for Yourself


Because our mental well-being is paramount, when we discover infidelity, it’s crucial to withdraw from the relationship to soothe our own minds. It’s better to fully embrace and express our sorrow than to endure it silently. Allowing ourselves to remain in a toxic relationship only exacerbates our inability to find a way out, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and emotional toxicity.


Communicate and Find a Solution Together


Once we’ve fortified ourselves emotionally and accepted the reality of the situation, the next step is to engage in open communication to find a solution together. For married couples, this may involve discussing legal separation. At this stage, the offending party may request forgiveness for their transgressions. The decision to grant another chance lies with you. You must decide whether to give them another opportunity or end the relationship and start anew with someone who genuinely loves you.


Seek Counseling/Therapy


Because the severity of emotional distress varies from person to person, for those who find the truth too difficult to bear alone, seeking counseling or therapy from relationship experts or mental health professionals may be a good option.


And there you have it—the steps to detecting infidelity that I have compiled for you today. Although love should thrive on mutual respect for privacy and understanding, sometimes giving too much personal space or freedom without boundaries can lead to problems such as infidelity. Therefore, when in love, it’s essential to love wisely and consciously, not closing our eyes and ears with the word “love.” On behalf of Bangkok Matching, a high-end matchmaking company, I offer encouragement to everyone.



