Scammers have deceived countless men of all ages throughout Thailand using Bangkok Matching company name, extracting no less than 100 million baht


บริษัทจัดหาคู่ระดับไฮเอนด์ชื่อดัง ก็ยังโดน!! มิจฉาชีพแอบอ้างชื่อ Bangkok Matching หลอกชายหื่น ทั้งหนุ่ม ทั้งแก่ทั่วไทย ได้ไปไม่ต่ำกว่า 100 ล้านบาท สร้างฝัน ลงทุนได้ดอกสูง แถม sex ฟรี กับสาวสวย ขาว หมวย อื๋ม ได้ไม่อั้น ไม่ซ้ำหน้า ทุกจังหวัดทั่วไทย  

Announcement and Warning:


Scammers have deceived countless men of all ages throughout Thailand using Bangkok Matching company name, extracting no less than 100 million baht. They promised to fulfill dreams, offer high returns on investments, and even provide free sex with beautiful, fair-skinned, well-endowed girls, without limitations or repetition, in every province across Thailand.


Bangkok Matching, a renowned high-end longest running dating and matchmaking company, has received reports from many victims, mostly Thai men, almost every week, stating that they have transferred money to the scammer under individual bank account claiming that they are Bangkok Matching. Each individual’s transferred amounts range from hundreds of thousands to millions and even tens of millions to the scammer.  Some men have stormed to Bangkok Matching office to personally demand their money back, as they believed that Bangkok Matching was the person they had transferred money to.


These unscrupulous scammers deceived lustful and gullible men by making false claims by using Bangkok Matching company name, stating that their invested money would earn high interest rates and that they would have the opportunity to sleep with beautiful, fair-skinned, well-endowed girls, engaging in various sexual activities, all for free, in every province across Thailand. They promised everything, but when it came time to withdraw the invested funds, the men discovered that they were unable to do so. This awakening led them to contact the scammers via Line or Facebook. The scammers reassured them to stay calm, promising that they would be able to withdraw their funds once the temporary system issues were resolved. Feeling anxious, the victims requested the address of the Bangkok Matching office to visit in person. The scammers provided a phone number and the actual office address of Bangkok Matching, allowing the victims to pursue their claims directly at our office.



บริษัทจัดหาคู่ระดับไฮเอนด์ชื่อดัง ก็ยังโดน!! มิจฉาชีพแอบอ้างชื่อ Bangkok Matching หลอกชายหื่น ทั้งหนุ่ม ทั้งแก่ทั่วไทย ได้ไปไม่ต่ำกว่า 100 ล้านบาท สร้างฝัน ลงทุนได้ดอกสูง แถม sex ฟรี กับสาวสวย ขาว หมวย อื๋ม ได้ไม่อั้น ไม่ซ้ำหน้า ทุกจังหวัดทั่วไทย  
บริษัทจัดหาคู่ระดับไฮเอนด์ชื่อดัง ก็ยังโดน!! มิจฉาชีพแอบอ้างชื่อ Bangkok Matching หลอกชายหื่น ทั้งหนุ่ม ทั้งแก่ทั่วไทย ได้ไปไม่ต่ำกว่า 100 ล้านบาท สร้างฝัน ลงทุนได้ดอกสูง แถม sex ฟรี กับสาวสวย ขาว หมวย อื๋ม ได้ไม่อั้น ไม่ซ้ำหน้า ทุกจังหวัดทั่วไทย
บริษัทจัดหาคู่ 2
บริษัทจัดหาคู่ 2



So far there are five men who have stormed to Bangkok Matching office to reclaim their money from the scammers. Unfortunately, they left with nothing but sorrowful faces upon realizing they had been deceived by the scammer. These deceitful girls have vanished, along with the life savings of some of these men.


After conducting an investigation based on the information received from all the victims, Bangkok Matching has found that there are individuals who are not associated with the company who have falsely used the company’s name, logo, and information, including the company’s registered certification, to deceive and trick victims into believing they were involved with Bangkok Matching. These scammers misled victims into investing and depositing money with them, only to find that they were unable to withdraw their funds or were tricked into paying membership fees for the purpose of sleeping with women throughout Thailand for free. Bangkok Matching asserts that Bangkok Matching is not involved in any such activities and disclaims any association with these fraudulent actions.


Bangkok Matching would like to inform you that we are a high-end dating and matchmaking company dedicated to genuine and serious relationships and marriage. We have no involvement whatsoever with the aforementioned deceptive actions and activities. Bangkok Matching has made official records and filed a complaint with the police station in Thonglor, providing them with a total of four reports (the latest report dated June 11, 2566, attached). We are actively cooperating with the authorities to track and take legal action against those who have falsely used the name of Bangkok Matching.


Any individual violates, falsely uses the name of Bangkok Matching, or engages in any actions that cause harm to Bangkok Matching, it will be considered a violation, and our company will pursue legal action to the fullest extent of the law against the perpetrators. We are committed to protecting our company’s reputation and holding those responsible accountable for their actions.


If you receive contact from an individual whom you suspect to be a fraud or witness any actions of the aforementioned nature, you can directly contact Bangkok Matching at or call 083 687 9343 during office hours. You can also report the incident directly to Thonglor Police Station to consolidate all reports into a single comprehensive complaint for the most effective pursuit of the fraudulent individual. This will ensure that actions are taken efficiently and effectively against the perpetrators.


Below is the links that you will learn about our service and how we work. 


Some of Our over 7,000 Success Stories


Some of Our Customer Reviews


Featured of Our Dating Clients


FAQ about bangkok Matching’s Premium Matchmaking service


Who is Bangkok Matching’s Clients Group Briefing by Khun Bee, Founder of Bangkok Matching; High End Matchmaking Agency in Thailand

