บริษัทจัดหาคู่ I’m a tall, fit, attractive, discerning, successful xx gentleman, once-divorced, xx, living in California. Seeking a very special Thai woman to share my wonderful life in the USA.


Thai Dating I'm a tall, fit, attractive, discerning, successful xx gentleman, once-divorced, xx, living in California. Seeking a very special Thai woman to share my wonderful life in the USA.

Hello Bee,

Congratulations on the success of your matchmaking service, I hope you can help.

I’m a tall, fit, attractive, discerning, successful xx gentleman, once-divorced, xx, living in California. Seeking a very special Thai woman to share my wonderful life in the USA. As I say, extremely discerning (I’ve been rather spoiled and have no problem dating). I realize that your agency operates in Thailand but I am specifically seeking a Thai woman who is already living in the USA.

I am looking for an expert Thai matchmaking service (do not want to do anything online) and happy to pay a custom fee for my search.

If you know and can introduce me to single Thai women in the USA, please let me know – I can call you anytime on the phone to discuss further.

Thanks and best wishes,


