What Are Thai Women in Thailand Really Like? This Deep Rooted Personality Dating Tips Will Help You Win Thai Ladies Heart


what thai ladies really like dating

What Are Thai Women in Thailand Really Like?


This Deep Rooted Personality Dating Tips from Our Executive Dating Coach and Founder of Bangkok Matching Will Help You Win Thai Ladies’ Heart easily.


Thanks to Thailand’s bustling tourism scene, many foreigners find their way into the country. While taking in the sights at Railay Beach or the majesty on display at the Grand Palace in Bangkok, some tourists also find their way into the Thailand dating scene.


These match-ups are usually transient, but it is not for want of trying. Despite their best efforts, these relationships fall apart, and the reason is quite simple: many foreign men don’t understand Thai ladies and dating in Bangkok, dating in Chiangmai, dating in Phuket or dating elsewhere in Thailand culture.


And it doesn’t just happen in this setting. People in other countries find dating Thai ladies difficult, as they are different from what they are used to. Even when they meet through a highly skilled Thai dating agency like Bangkok Matching.


Bangkok Matching, Thailand’s longest running high-end dating and matchmaking service agency, has observed this happen in countless relationships, watching couples lose their attraction to each other due to the littlest things. Today, they’ve decided to step in.


With this article, Khun Bee, Bangkok Matching’s Founder and Executive Dating Coach will give you a few insights into the personality traits of Thai ladies and discuss a few tips foreign men should know about Thai dating culture. Let’s get to it.


what thai ladies really like dating
What Are Thai Women in Thailand Really Like?

Personality Traits of Thai Ladies raised and grew up in Thailand


The first thing to understand in Thai dating culture is that Thai women are unique. You may meet these ladies from the online dating scene or through Bangkok Matching – Thai dating agency , but trust us; they won’t be the same as everyone there. These Thai girls have been raised with different values and training from anything you’re used to.


While that might attract you and many other foreigners at first, it may put you off when they don’t react to certain scenarios as you expect them to. However, it would be best if you did not shy away. Aim to understand them instead. Don’t worry; Bangkok Matching will help you with that.


Here are a few personality traits Bangkok Matching has discovered in most Thai girls. Yes, every Thai girl is different, but they share some similarities, and we’ve picked those out for you.


  1. Thai Girls Are Kind-hearted


Thai girls are usually kind-hearted and caring. These girls are never shy to tell you how they feel about you and show their love through their actions. If a Thai lady loves you, you will know it. That is because they like to take care of their men. They will like to take care of you in every way they can, and if you want an understanding person by your side, you’ll find that in a Thai lady. These ladies are devoted, nurturing, and honest, and you’ll be glad to have found one that loves you.


  1. Thai Girls Are Family-Oriented


The western world, throughout the years, has birthed a society that prizes their independence. That has led many westerners to care less about their families, especially in decision-making. In Thai dating culture, it is quite different.

In some parts of Thailand, you might be expected to get acquainted with her entire family before asking her out on a date. Bangkok dating, however, would have more western norms.


Thai ladies are family-oriented, which means that they keep their families in high regard. They will dote on their siblings, parents, and relatives. Here’s the great part: if she loves you, she’ll dote on you too. It’s just Thai dating culture.


  1. Thai Girls Are Reserved


Thailand has been called “the land of smiles” because of how easy it is for a Thai to burst out with a welcoming smile. However, you should keep in mind that the ladies are quite shy, which makes Thai dating tricky.


Thai ladies are usually reserved, saying little with warm smiles. You might not get them to be free with you for a while, but once that happens, you get to see them as they are. They are quick with jokes and ready to laugh with you at your poor grasp of the Thai language.


  1. Thai Girls Are Conservative


If you’re used to outgoing and extroverted girls, you might think that Thai girls don’t like fun. Well, they do. Just not so quickly.


You met her on a Thai dating app, and she showed you around the Bangkok dating scene, but you still don’t qualify for physical intimacy yet. They don’t kiss on the first date, the second, or the third, and it’s just Thai dating culture.


Also, if you are a fan of public displays of affection, you should refrain from that while dating in Thailand. Thai ladies care about their image and wouldn’t want to do anything that would make them lose face.


  1. Thai Girls Are Organized and Considerate


Thai girls are raised to be homemakers. They’ve watched their parents and relatives keep the home organized and had that upbringing drilled into them since childhood.


These ladies know you might come home tired after a hard day at work, and they wouldn’t want you to go through any additional stress. Your Thai partner wouldn’t find it difficult to help in the house while you’re gone.


While all that is true, they’d still appreciate a little help occasionally, even if they won’t say it openly. So, you should do well to return the favor after a while.


These Thai personalities attract foreigners to a Thai dating agency like Bangkok Matching. Eager to find a marriage partner while dating in Thailand, they troop to Thai dating apps. However, eagerness differs from how you keep a relationship while in Thailand dating.



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Thailand Dating Tips Foreign Men Should Know When Dating Thai Women 


Many people think that matches between Thai ladies and foreign men are doomed to fail, but Bangkok Matching begs to differ. They’ve come up with a few tips to ensure a long-lasting relationship for foreign men dating Thai women in Thailand. These dating tips are aimed to help you navigate the Thailand dating scene expertly.


  1. Be A Gentleman


Thai ladies are usually polite, so it would be nice if you returned the favor. They are also traditional about family roles, so you might have to be gentlemanly in some areas. For example, open doors for her and avoid unnecessary skin contact.


Remember, they are family-oriented, so you should also extend niceness to her family and friends.


  1. Don’t Pressure Her For Sex


Bangkok dating requires a lot of patience. Here, things are very different from your home country, and it is worse in this aspect. You will get nowhere pressuring a Thai lady for sex, and you might even be pushing her away without knowing it.


The girls you’ll be dating in Thailand would be extremely uncomfortable when put them on the spot like that, so we advise you against doing that.


  1. Always Look Good


This is normal in every relationship, but it bears saying if you plan on Bangkok dating. First impressions are crucial, and Thai ladies are no exception. Coming to a date wearing summer shorts and a loose shirt due to the hot weather is not the right way to go.

Show her some respect by going to the lengths of looking nice for your date.


  1. Do Pay But Be Smart About It


In the traditional Bangkok dating setting, the man pays for the meal. That might be different from western dating, where the bills are split between both parties, but it is the norm while dating in Thailand.


Keeping in mind that you’ll pay, it is best to be smart and start small. Going overboard on the first date might leave your Thai date with high expectations.

Don’t splurge it all on a single meeting, then dial it back on subsequent ones. Instead, start small.


You want her to love you, not your money, so don’t blind her with extravagant displays.


  1. Don’t Make Her Choose Between You And Her Family.


You’ll likely be asked to meet their friends and family members when dating in Thailand. When that happens, do be on your best behavior. Thai ladies usually have strong bonds with their families, so it might spell doom for your relationship if they dislike you.


So, keep yourself abreast of Thai culture. Learn the greetings; know how and when to Wai, as it shows that you are open-minded about Thai culture.


  1. Bonus Tip: Do Smell Nice


This might seem odd, but it is quite necessary. The climate in Thailand is very different from what you’re used to, so you might have to make some adjustments to your lifestyle when Bangkok dating.


Decent Thai ladies take hygiene seriously. The hot weather in Thailand would make you sweaty and have you developing an odor if you aren’t careful.

So, wear loose clothes and shower frequently. Also, invest in some nice scents; they’ll help you out here.




Navigating Thai dating culture involves much more than signing up for online dating apps or Thai dating agency and trying your luck. Many more intricacies are necessary to ensure you find a long-lasting relationship with the perfect Thai lady.


These tips from Bangkok Matching should help you in your search for love in Bangkok. You just have to put in a little work for it. And that shouldn’t be surprising. Nothing good comes easy, not even true love.



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